Many construction, plumbing and industrial workers in the Lake Charles area are aware of the dangers they face on the job. They may have even seen and heard ads on the radio and television about the dangers of asbestos exposure and how it can cause mesothelioma and other serious and life-threatening respiratory diseases and illnesses.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the “average life expectancy after being diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma is one year.” Many people do not learn they have mesothelioma-related health conditions until they have progressed into the later stages. Symptoms do not usually show up after initial exposure. It takes time for them to develop. By the time many exposed workers seek out diagnosis and treatment, it is often too late.
The following tips can help workers to minimize their chances of exposure to asbestos and other toxic substances.
- Pay attention and stay alert on the job.
- Wear properly fitting personal protective equipment (PPE).
- Follow all safety guidelines and regulations for handling toxic materials.
- Avoid disturbing asbestos fibers.
- Use proper asbestos removal procedures.
- Thoroughly clean body and work gear immediately after potential exposure.
- Avoid the use of power tools when handling asbestos.
It is important for workers to exercise caution when on the job. All it takes is one exposure to put the health of workers and their loved ones at risk. Anyone who suspects they have worked in an environment with asbestos in it should seek out immediate medical treatment and learn about their legal options.