Recorded workplace accidents down notably in the last 15 years

On Behalf of | Dec 3, 2018 | Workplace Accidents

When people agree to a particular job in Louisiana, they are acknowledging that their job may expose them to the risks that are a given part of the industry they operate in. Depending on their occupation, the risks and hazards they face each day will vary significantly. Employers should provide adequate training and education to allow their workers to learn about how to do certain jobs without compromising quality, and more importantly safety. 

In a recent study that was provided to the public, it was noted that the number of reported workplace accidents and injuries was down significantly in the last several years. In fact, since 15 years ago, the number of verified incidents has been cut in half. Notable details of the survey include that of all of the industries that were tested, each showed a decrease in the number of accidents and injuries that were reported. These industries including manufacturing, construction and transportation. 

Reported incidents included those that were recorded by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, workdays that were missed by injured employees and work restrictions placed as the result of an injury. While the results reflect a positive change in the protocols that are being implemented to protect worker safety, the news has seemingly gone unnoticed by mainstream media. Recordable injuries in the year 2017 were 0.1 lower than the year before, following a consistent pattern of declining injuries. 

If people have been injured in a workplace accident, they may want to ask an attorney for help. Legal professionals are experienced in providing injured workers with the help they need to build a case that will give them the best chance at getting the compensation they deserve. 

Source: Industry Week, “Cause to Celebrate: Workplace Injuries Continue to Decline,” David Sparkman, Nov. 30, 2018

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