Truck accidents and your rights as an injured party

On Behalf of | Dec 13, 2019 | Uncategorized

Semitruck crashes can lead to some very serious injuries. For the injured parties, getting medical help is obviously the first priority. Once that is done, the healing process begins. During this time, the person will likely start getting bills in for the medical care they received. Those bills might prompt them to take legal action in an effort to recover some of the money.

The cause of the crash is one of the factors that comes into the picture when you decide that you are going to seek compensation. In some cases, this is easy to determine but it can be very complicated in other cases.

Trucker errors

Truckers must operate these vehicles with safety in mind. When they are too tired or distracted to do this, people on the road with them can suffer harm. Besides these factors, improperly secured loads, lax training and unrealistic schedules can also contribute to semitruck crashes. Each of these factors is preventable, so crashes because of them is unacceptable. These factors could mean that the victim is able to hold the trucker, trucking company or insurance company accountable for the wreck.

Problems with the truck

Issues with the rig can also contribute to crashes. This can include things like maintenance that wasn’t handled properly, defective components and improper installation. Problems with the truck aren’t always noticeable, but they can cause significant issues when they do occur. A person injured in an accident caused by one of these factors might hold an entity other than the trucker accountable for the crash.

Other drivers

Other drivers are sometimes the cause of the crash. All drivers on the roads should avoid the “no zones” that surround the trucks, and they should avoid darting in front of the semitruck. These rigs should be given plenty of space to maneuver, and no vehicles should try to pass them on the right side when the trucker is indicating a right turn. When another driver contributes to the crash, the victim may hold that driver liable for the damages.

Seeking compensation after a semitruck crash can help victims avoid having to cover the full financial cost of the wreck. This is especially helpful for those who have high medical bills and people who had to miss work because of their injuries. There is no reason why the victim should be left to cover the costs.

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