Though many people may not think about it on a daily basis, cars are dangerous. Car accidents happen every day, and some people may not consider just how dangerous driving or just being on the roadways can be until a crash affects them personally. Unfortunately, many crashes can lead to serious or fatal injuries.
It was recently reported that a single-vehicle accident in Louisiana had such outcomes. Reports stated that the crash took place around 3 p.m. when a vehicle left a roadway and collided with a pole. It was unclear what may have caused the vehicle to travel off the road, and the report did not mention whether authorities were considering speed, impairment or other details contributing factors. The 19-year-old driver and 22-year-old passenger were both ejected from the car during the incident.
The driver suffered fatal injuries as a result of the crash, and the passenger was considered to be in critical condition at the time of the report. The passenger was taken from the accident site to an area hospital by medical helicopter. The report noted that the investigation into the incident was still underway.
When individuals suffer serious injuries in car accidents, their lives could change forever. In some cases, injured parties may have reason to file personal injury claims in efforts to seek compensation for their injuries, medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages resulting from a crash. Even if the driver considered at fault dies, as with this Louisiana incident, a claim against that person’s estate may still be possible.