Why is speeding so dangerous?

On Behalf of | May 5, 2019 | Car Accidents

Drivers in Louisiana must take the proper steps to protect themselves and others on the road. That’s why it’s imperative all motorists drive at a safe rate of speed at all times. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration explains the many dangers associated with speeding. 

People drive at excessive speeds for all sorts of reasons. Lateness is a major contributor, as many people speed in the mornings to ensure they make it to work on time. Other people speed when faced with traffic, which can also lead to other aggressive behaviors. Lastly, many drivers feel a sense of anonymity behind the wheel. This causes a detached thought process where the well-being of others becomes less important. Despite the underlying reasons, speeding is extremely dangerous, as illustrated by the statistics. 

In 26% of all traffic deaths in 2017, speeding was cited as a factor. Additionally, speeding has been cited as a contributing factor in one-third of traffic deaths over the last two decades. Speeding often goes hand in hand with other aggressive driving behaviors, including tailgating and changing lanes erratically. When encountering a speeding driver, it’s best to leave ample space between you and the vehicle. For example, when approached by a driver in the passing lane, changing lanes and letting the other driver progress is usually the best course of action. 

It’s also helpful for motorists to understand just why speeding is so dangerous. Firstly, when you speed you have less control over your vehicle. That means if you must stop suddenly you’ll be less likely to do so in time. It also renders safety devices like airbags less effective if you are involved in a crash. While state and local authorities have taken numerous steps to curtail speeding, it’s important for individual drivers to preserve the safety of themselves and others. 

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