Car accidents caused by impairment often have tragic outcomes

On Behalf of | Jan 21, 2020 | Car Accidents

When individuals are impaired and get behind the wheel of a vehicle, they are almost asking for a serious accident to take place. Unfortunately, car accidents caused by impaired drivers often have fatal outcomes, and too often the victims are those simply caught up in the incident and not those at fault. As a result, families are left grieving, and injured survivors are left to recover as best as they can.

It was recently reported that an accident in Louisiana had fatal outcomes and that authorities suspect impairment contributed to the incident. The crash occurred when a 35-year-old man stopped his vehicle in the left lane of I-12. The sudden stop caused a four-car pileup. It was unclear exactly how many people were involved in the crash.

The incident resulted in a 77-year-old woman and a 55-year-old man, who were in the same vehicle, suffering fatal injuries. Two other people suffered serious injuries, but it was unclear which vehicles they may have been in. Authorities apparently found a controlled substance in the possession of the driver who stopped, but they did not indicate whether it was connected to the accident. Nonetheless, officers did suspect that the driver was impaired. As a result, he is currently facing charges for possession of a controlled substance, vehicular homicide, vehicular injury and aggravated obstruction of a highway of commerce.

Car accidents can be difficult to handle under any circumstances, but when serious and fatal injuries result, it is even more burdensome. The families of these Louisiana victims and the injured survivors likely have a lot to handle in the aftermath of the crash. Medical bills, funeral expenses, lost wages and other damages could affect these parties in various ways, and it may be worthwhile for them to consider their legal options for seeking compensation.

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