Though many people may not think about it on a daily basis, cars are dangerous. Car accidents happen every day, and some people may not consider just how dangerous driving or just being on the roadways can be until a crash affects them personally. Unfortunately, many...
Month: March 2020
TBIs are often considered catastrophic injuries
Though car accidents happen every day in Louisiana and across the country, they are anything but mundane. People's lives can be changed forever after a crash because of catastrophic injuries. In particular, a person involved in a car accident could suffer a...
Head-on car accidents common when drivers cross center line
It may seem odd to think about the fact that, often, the only thing dividing lanes of travel on a roadway is painted lines. Though most drivers trust others to stay on the correct side, that is not always what happens. In fact, head-on car accidents commonly take...
Commercial vehicle accidents easily prove fatal
Certain issues can cause drivers to need to pull off the roadway. In some cases, the issue may be so significant that they cannot wait until they find a parking lot or reach an interstate exit to pull off the road. Instead, they must simply stop on the shoulder....
Rear-end car accidents can have fatal results
Families and loved ones rely on each other for many aspects of their lives. As a result, when individuals lose loved ones in car accidents or other unexpected events, the hardships that result can seem insurmountable. As they try to contend with these difficulties,...