Fixed ladder safety requirements

On Behalf of | Aug 7, 2020 | Workplace Accidents

If you or someone in your family work in a position where they must use or work near fixed ladders, you may wonder what type of safety measures are in place to ensure their safety and the safety of others at the location.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration develops many protocols designed to keep workers safe. These protocols cover many types of ladders, including fixed ladders.

Recent OSHA changes for fixed ladders

The use of cages and wells as part of an overall safety mechanism for fixed ladders had long been allowed under the guidelines set forth by OSHA. However, a new rule changes that and mandates that the use of these mechanisms be phased out. Any fixed ladder extended more than 24 feet must be used in conjunction with a personal fall arrest system or a ladder safety system instead of a cage or a well.

Other requirements for fixed ladder safety

A fixed ladder must capably support up to 250 pounds in the middle of each rung. Rung shaping must also prevent slipping at either end. A fixed ladder extending beyond 24 feet must support two 250-pound loads between two adjacent attachments. Any additional weight due to weather, such as wind or ice, should be able to be withstood in addition to any weight placed directly on the ladder by a person or any equipment, including safety equipment.

More information about safety protocols on construction sites or other work locations utilizing fixed ladders may be found on the work-related accidents page of our Louisiana personal injury website.

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