Construction sites are constantly bustling with activity, from the clanking of machinery to the shouts of workers. However, amidst this chaos lies a hidden danger known as trench collapses. These sudden cave-ins can have devastating consequences, including traumatic...
Catastrophic Injuries
A crash-related torn aorta is a medical emergency
If a semitruck collides with your vehicle, there is a good chance you may sustain a serious injury. After all, tractor-trailers outweigh regular vehicles by as much as 76,000 pounds. While broken bones, whiplash and lacerations are common crash-related injuries, organ...
Will you lose your memory after a brain injury?
Suffering from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) is difficult enough in and of itself. Unfortunately, most brain injuries come with effects that impact the healing process. Not only that, they can influence your life after the incident that caused your injury. One of the...
What is compartment syndrome?
When pressure builds up in an enclosed area of your body, this is compartment syndrome. Causes of compartment syndrome may include bleeding or swelling following an injury. According to WebMD, the pressure obstructs blood flow to the site. Compartment syndrome is most...
What complications can brain injuries cause?
While minor brain injuries are associated with mild effects that usually resolve on their own, severe brain injuries can have a lasting impact on your life. Some people require ongoing treatment and rehabilitation to recover. And even with therapy, it may not be...
Complications of paralysis from spinal cord injury
A traumatic injury to the spinal cord can cause damage resulting in paralysis. The Cleveland Clinic defines paralysis as a loss of control over one or more muscles in a specific area of the body. Depending on the extent of the injury, the paralysis may be complete and...
The diverse effects of a spinal cord injury
Every person who suffers a spinal cord injury has an individualized path to recovery. In each case, however, he or she must undergo months or even years of physical and occupational therapy to regain function. Review the potential impact of a spinal cord injury on...
Can a head or neck injury lead to spinal cord damage?
When most people think of how spinal cord injuries develop, back trauma comes to mind. This might result from a fall, a car crash or blunt force during an attack. Even a bullet during an assault might cause spinal cord damage, but what about when the initial damage...
Getting support for your brain injury with therapy
Suffering through a brain injury after your accident in Louisiana may leave your ambitions and life plans in shambles. Learning to adjust to the challenges of a catastrophic injury requires time, tests and ongoing treatment. Identifying resources that may provide you...
Man succumbed to catastrophic injuries after attack, 2 charged
Attacking an unsuspecting person is a heinous crime. Unfortunately, some individuals carry out such acts in efforts to rob others or simply to hurt them. While the victims are sometimes able to get away unscathed, others could suffer catastrophic injuries due to the...