Experienced Help With Your Workers’ Compensation Claim
If you are like many hardworking people in Lake Charles throughout Louisiana, you rely on your paycheck to pay your bills and provide for your family. When a work injury or illness puts you out of work for weeks, months or years, paying your bills and providing for your family can become very difficult.
Your job provides stability, and when you no longer have that stability, stress can quickly set in. Combine the stress of not working with the stress of having a major injury, and you may feel that it is impossible to overcome this problem.
The Hale Injury Lawyers in Lake Charles, Louisiana, has been helping injured workers since 1977. We understand that your family depends on you, and we understand the stress that you are under. That is why we want you to know that you can depend on us to handle your workers’ compensation claim with the attentiveness and knowledge that you deserve.
Call us today at 337-426-1071 or 877-596-5155 toll free to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you.
Three Steps To Take After An Accident At Work
All employers in Louisiana are required to provide full-time and part-time employees with workers’ compensation benefits. If you were hurt at work, you can file a claim for an injury (or illness) that you sustained while at work. Here are three steps that you can take:
- Report your injury or illness to your employer immediately
- Seek medical care and be very clear to your doctor that the injury or illness is work-related
- Obtain help from our workers’ compensation attorneys
We can ensure that you comply with all requirements for obtaining workers’ compensation benefits. A small error or a missed deadline could result in your claim being denied. We can ensure that your claim is complete and that everything is handled in a timely manner.
Talk To Our Lawyers If You Were Hurt At Work
Our law firm can stand by your side and help you seek and obtain the workers’ compensation benefits that you deserve. Additionally, we may be able to help you obtain disability damages if applicable to your claim.
Call us locally at 337-426-1071 or toll free at 877-596-5155 to schedule your free initial consultation. You may also contact us online. If we accept your case and there is no recovery, you will not be responsible for paying for any costs, fees or expenses.